Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Love Lies Chapter 28

I had hoped that I wouldn't get too drunk or hammered at this concert, because I knew I'd have to behave at one for sure. I knew that Jon and Richie would be mad if I didnt. And plus, there was going to be tons of paparazzi there.

"Kmae, you ready?" Richie asked as he reached the lobby.

I nodded as he held my hand. His hand was warm to the touch. I loved it.

"Is Jon done pouting yet?" He asked.

"I haven't told him I'm staying yet," I said.

"You're going to have to sometime."

"I understand that," I stated, "but he's got to stop being so cruel to me."

"He's not that cruel," Richie said.

"Yeah he is at times, " I said.

I heard a honk as the tour bus, that brought us to the stage, had arrived.

"Well," I said, "let's get this over with."

Richie laughed as he held my hand, ready to go to the concert that would make all my dreams come true.

"What to wear.." Richie trailed off in thought as he looked through his closet in the dressing room.

I pulled out a pair of black leather pants. "What about these bad boys?"

"But what shirt?"

I skimmed through the clothes, finding a Marilyn Monroe t-shirt with the arms ripped.

"Wear your tour jacket over it," I smiled.

He looked at me and smiled. "You have a way with everything, don't you?"

I smiled. I loved his compliments.

"You have a very soft heart," he smiled. "I know I hurt you, and it hurt me too."

A felt a tear run down. I hugged him, and just held him there. I didn't want this moment of so much love and feeling to end.

He looked me in the eyes. "It's show time, babe."

I smiled as he gave me a small kiss on the forehead.

My seat was right in front. The rows of people began to fill up as the lights dimmed.

The band came out. I was so happy that Richie was right in front of me, so he'd wink at me everyonce in a while.
The concert started out with "In and Out of Love." I had helped them pick the first few concerts, and this was my favorite song.

"Young and wild..set to explode in the heat.."

I helped with lyrics too. This album was going to be the best so far.

"I'll be long gone, I've got another show, one more town more miles to go..."

Indeed, we did have many more shows and miles to go. I couldn't ever think of leaving them. They were my everything.

"Biggest Brown Eyes I've Ever Seen!"

I had always wondered if they meant me, knowing that I had brown eyes.

"You wanna take a ride on the bus? Bring your girlfriend! Bring your mom!"

Richie began his solo, and looked down and smiled at me. I winked back at him.

This was going to be an awesome night.

They finished with "Runaway" and we all met backstage. I was so happy that this concert was awesome and turned out to be awesome.

Richie came over and smiled. "You seemed to enjoy
the concert."

"It was amazing!" I smiled.

He gave me a kiss, and I could see Jon look at me with a disguisted look.

"Excuse me, Richie," I said pushing him out of the way, "I've got business to take care of."

Richie tried to grab me as I went off at Jon, and I pushed him into his dressing room and shut the door.

"What's your problem?" he asked as I locked the door.

"What's my problem?"I asked. "My problem is you! Why can't you just understand that me and Richie are becoming something again?"

"Because it doesn't matter what you're doing with him," he argued, "you're leaving anyways."

"Whoever said I was leaving?" I said. "you've got a lot of nerve to be asking me if I'm leaving my band of brothers here in the dust."

"We aren't your brothers," he said.

I got so frustrated with him. "Jon, you guys ARE my family. I have NOBODY except for you guys anymore. We've spent almost every holiday together. As a FAMILY. I excepted you as my family, you do know that right?"

"Alright, Mom," he laughed.

"You think it's a joke, Jon? Well, it's not, goddammit!" I yelled, running back out to the stage and passed the guys. I ran into the back of the stage, where there was an alleyway. I was so mad, I just wanted to cry.

"Kmae?" Richie flew out the door. "What happened?"

"Jon doesn't want me here," I whispered. "He doesn't want me to have thought of you guys as brothers."

"You're not my sister," he said.

I felt my heart sink. "What?"

"You're not my sister," he whispered, "you're my everything." He held my hand. "and maybe, you'll be my girlfriend."

I hugged him, and put my lips to his ear. "I'd love to be your girlfriend."


  1. yayy long chapter :) Thanks! really loving this story :)))

  2. Uhhh why you stop there!!?!?
