I looked over at Jon, who had only been asked one or two questions throughout the whole press conference. He looked really, really angry, and I didn’t want to mess with him.
Another person stood up. “Kmae, is Jon okay with your engagement? Or did he just find out?”
I was trying to avoid this answer, but I knew I had to do it.
“Well,” I started, as I briefly tried to explain, “me and Richie, we just got engaged last night. So, we haven’t told anybody yet.”
“Not even your family?” she asked, as she wrote down some notes.
“Nope,” I said. “We were going to tell the guys about it after the press conference.”
“Oh,” she quickly said, before sitting down.
Richie squeezed my hand tighter, as another person asked David about his engagement.
“Are you having fun?” Richie whispered in my ear.
“Actually, yeah,” I laughed quietly. “I didn’t think I would.”
“Well,” he smiled. “It’s almost over. Don’t worry.”
I smiled as I looked over to Jon, who quickly made eye contact with me, and then looked away like I had somehow hurt him. I never did anything to him, which made me wonder, maybe I had hurt him? Or was he just being himself?
“Alright guys,” Doc said from behind the curtain, “ya’ll are done.”
Jon instantly shot up from his chair, rushing outside.
“What’s his problem?” Alec asked.
“He’s mad,” I said, walking back outside.
Camera flashes almost blinded me as we posed for more pictures, and then got into the limo.
“Are you guys staying at our house?” I asked. Me and Richie had been in LA, while they all were still in New Jersey. They had just flew out here to do this press conference.
“We’re staying with you,” David said. “Then, we’ve got supper.”
“Well,” I said, “it’s only noon.”
“Are you hungry?” Richie asked.
I shook my head.
He looked at me with a concerned face. “Kmae, you haven’t eaten since I’ve gotten home...”
“I’m just not hungry,” I admitted.
“Richie has already fed your appetite, I see,” Alec said.
I shot him a look, and he just laughed.
When we got back, we all went into our house, and then went out into the sun patio.
“Kmae,” Richie said, “can you grab that bottle of wine on the cupboard that we got from Vegas?”
“Yeah, I’ve been waiting to drink it!” I laughed. I went over to the cupboard and grabbed the wine bottle, and brought it back over to the guys out on the patio.
“I’ve never drank wine at noon,” I laughed as Richie popped off the top of the bottle, and the wine bubbled up.
“Oh, this is all we drank on the road,” Richie laughed. “This an Tylenol PM.”
“Amen,” Tico laughed.
Richie poured us all glasses, and then offered one to Jon.
“I’m fine,” he said, as he sat farthest away from me.
“You’ve got to,” David said. “It’s for Kmae, and Richie.”
“I just ate a big lunch,” I could tell he was lying.
“Your loss,” David said.
Richie smiled, and held up his wine glass. “Well, this is for the many memories we’ve all shared together, and for the many more to come, especially for me, and you, Kmae.”
I smiled as we all made a toast to each other, and Richie grabbed me around the waist and dipped me down, giving me a big kiss on the lips. I laughed as he helped me back up, and I took a sip of wine.
I happened to look over at Jon, who was sitting in the corner like a little child, didn’t say anything as he looked over in disgust.
“So,” David said, “have you guys even planned on when?”
“We haven’t really talked about it,” I said, taking another sip. “I’m going to let Richie choose.”
“You choose,” he smiled. “You’re the fiancé.”
“So are you..” I laughed.
“But you’re the girl,” he laughed.
“I think we should maybe wait?” I suggested.
“We’re going to Paris,” Richie told David. “Kmae already decided that part.”
Tico laughed as he took out a cigarette. “Well, we’re going there sometime in the next few years.”
“Maybe we can just hitch-hike around,” Richie laughed.
The phone started ringing as Tico was about to say something.
“I’ve got it,” Richie said, as he went into the living area of the house.
“This is a big step for you guys,” Tico said. “You guys are a really cute couple.”
“That means a lot, Tico,” I smiled.
Richie came back into the patio. “Kmae, it’s for you.”
I got down from the chair, and walked into the living area.
“Hello?” I said as I picked up the phone.
“Kmae?” The female’s voice said. “It’s Krystal!”
Krystal? I thought to myself. Krystal?
THAT Krystal. The Krystal who had been my best friend in highschool. The one who didn’t want me to run away with a rock band.
“Krystal!” I smiled. “I haven’t talked to you in forever!”
“I know!” she laughed. “How have you been? I heard about your engagement to Richie.”
“I’m good,” I smiled. “But wait, how’d you find that out already?”
“It’s all over the news,” she laughed.
“Oh geesh,” I laughed. “How have you been? Are you still in Sayreville?”
“Nope,” she said, “I’m in California now, LA.”
“No shit?” I laughed. “That’s where me and Richie live!”
“Really? That’s awesome!” She laughed. “We’ll have to get back together sometime. We haven’t seen eachother since ’79.”
“I know! It’s been forever!” I laughed. “Maybe we could get together, you and me!”
“Richie too?” She laughed. “He’s so sweet! I’m glad you guys got engaged!”
“So, I guess that means you aren’t mad at me anymore..?” I asked.
“Kmae,” she started, “I feel, really bad about being mean to you about going with them. I understand now why you love them so much. They’re all really nice people.”
“I’m glad you finally understand,” I smiled.
“Hey,” she said, “I’ve got to go…I thought I’d call you to talk to my best friend once again. We’ll have to get together sometime. Alright?”
“We do! See you!” I said.
She said goodbye and then we hung up. I walked back out to the patio, and the guys were all sitting, talking.
“Hey,” Richie said as I stepped back down the steps and walked into the patio. “Who was that?”
“You remember Krystal, Jon?” I said. “She used to go to highschool with us.”
“I remember her,” Jon said. “She was really pretty.”
“She was also your first kiss,” David reminded him.
“Shh,” Jon laughed. I could tell he was getting drunk again, as he laughed a really weird laugh.
“Well,” I said, “It’s about 3 pm. I’m going to go upstairs and take a bubble bath.”
“I’ll be there later…” Richie laughed.
I gave him a little slug in the shoulder. “Oh, you wish.”
“Dude,” Alec said, “you just got rejected.”
“I didn’t reject him,” I laughed. “I just meant, ‘not ‘til the kids go to bed.’”
Everyone laughed, even Jon, and then I went inside, lit some candles, threw in some rose petals, and finally, was at peace.
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