Monday, March 26, 2012

Love Lies Chapter 53


“Jon,” I tried to explain to him. “It wasn’t your fault.”

“I’m pretty sure it was, and always will be,” he said. “You almost died because of me.”

“Jon,” Richie pleaded. “Think positive.”

“I’m sorry..” his voice trailed off as the phone rang. “Should I get it?”

Richie nodded as he clutched my hand tighter, like he didn’t want to let go.

“You’re still sleepy,” I smiled, as I brushed my hands through his messy hair, “but you’re cute that way.”

He blushed. “You have a way with words, even after you just about drowned. Coffee?”

“Yes, please,” I smiled. He gave me a peck on the cheek, which felt cold as ice, and went on his way to make me a cup.

I didn’t hear Jon until he peeked around the corner, and instantly dodged back, looking the other way. What was he doing?

I got up, and felt my soaked Aerosmith let water loose as I darted across the room quietly. Jon was in the parlor area, sitting on the olive green chair, talking on the phone.

“We leave for Paris on January,” he said. There was a moment of silence. “I’m not with Dorothea right now.”

Dorothea. I had almost forgotten about her. She was still in New Jersey.

“Richie’s been thinking about it, but we haven’t told Kmae yet.”

Told me what?

“Yeah, they’re getting married in a few weeks, which is why I’m going to Paris, Richie’s just-“

“Kmae?” Richie said from behind me. “What are you doing?”

“I thought Jon said my name,” I lied.

He handed me the coffee. “Did you want to change?”

“If it’s no bother..”

“Go right ahead. I’ll wait here for you.”

I started up the stairs, with ten million questions going through my mind. What was Richie planning? I wanted to go back to Jersey so bad. Maybe that was what he was planning.

I admired me and Richie’s photos on the wall as I went up the stairs. There was the newest ones we had taken for our engagement, with me and him on the beach that we met at in New Jersey, and some other old ones with the band and stuff. The one that stuck out the most was the one of me and Jon at prom. It was Richie’s idea to hang it.

“No,” I pleaded. “I don’t want it there.”

“Why not?” he had questioned me. “I think it looks really good.”

Despite my attempts, Richie hung it anyways.

“You’re both my best friends,” he had given for an excuse.

His best friends? Me and Jon couldn’t hardly be in a room together without arguing about something or another.

I trudged up the stairs and stripped of my wet clothes, throwing them into the laundry pile for the maid, and then walking into my closet, throwing on a tank top, and a pair of ripped denim jeans. My hair was soaked, and my mascara was basically gone, so I redid them both.

“You look lovely!”

“Holy shit!” I gasped, as I poked myself in the eye with my eyeliner. “Who the hell is it?”

“I’m sorry,” someone’s voice said, as I looked over. “I just thought you wanted your engagement present!”

I peered over my shoulder, and spotted Dave “The Snake” Sabo, and Sebastian Bach (Who was actually pretty quiet) standing at the bathroom.

“Snake! Seb! What are you guys doing here?” I gasped.

“We came to give you some shit..and a present,” Sebastian said. “Where’s Jon?”

“Jon? Why are you asking about Jon?” Snake said.

“I don’t know. Just curious.” Sebastian and Jon had never gotten along. Both always wanting to beat the crap out of eachother.

“Let’s go downstairs,” Snake said. “She’s trying to change.”

“Can’t we stay…?” Sebastian pleaded, but Snake drug him down the stairs.

I chuckled to myself as I let my whole worries out. Soon, I’d be Mrs. Richie Sambora, the rockstar’s wife.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Love Lies Chapter 52


Everything went black as I slowly faded away.

“Richie!” I heard a voice echo through my mind with a scream.

My body’s numbness started to come back to me, as I felt someone lift me up from the cool water. I couldn’t open my eyes.

“Oh my God! Richie!”

I felt hands wrap around me as I felt myself getting rushed into the air.

“Richie!” the scream became familiar, being Jon’s. I could almost picture him, running in his purple shorts and Aerosmith t-shirt, trying to save my life.

He must’ve rushed out of the sandy beach and took me inside.

I suddenly became numb again, as Jon’s screams echoed through my mind.


Someone shook me, as I could finally begin to open my eyes.

“She’s waking up,” a voice said.

All I could see was blur, until it cleared up, and I could see Richie again.

“Baby,” he whispered. “We thought we lost you.”

I tried opening my mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

“Is she okay?” Jon said to someone.

“She should be fine,” another male’s voice said. “What happened exactly?”

I could hear Jon swallow, as he tried to explain. “Well, we were on the beach…we were just chasing eachother around and then she dove under the water. When I went to get her, she was too far down.”

“Well, she’s going to be alright, thanks to you, Mr. Bon Jovi. Glad you saved her life,” the male said.

I felt all wet and gross, as Richie must’ve grabbed my hand.

“She’s so sick looking,” Richie said. “Are you sure?”

“She’s probably got a lot of salt water in her system. She should be fine.”

“Thank you, doctor,” Jon said, and I heard the door shut.

Richie studied me, as I laid before him.

“I hope she’s okay,” Richie said.

“Rich,” Jon said, “the doctor says she’s fine.”

“Still,” Richie said, as he studied my hand. “She’s still got her engagement ring on.”

“I couldn’t see her taking it off,” Jon said. “She loves it.”

“And I love her,” Richie smiled. “I can’t wait until we show her the new song.”

“Bed of Roses? She’ll love it,” Jon smiled.

“I know she will,” Richie said.

“Richie?” my hoarse voice said, as I coughed.

“Kmae!” Richie almost jumped out of his chair. “You feel okay? You want something? Are you hungry?”

“I just want you,” I tried to say.

“You still didn’t do anything smiled, as I could see tears of joy falling from his face and he dug his head in my shoulder. “I missed you so much!”

“Kmae,” Jon pleaded. “I’m so sorry..”

“You didn’t do anything,” I said.

“I chased you into the water.”

Love Lies Chapter 51

“So, where’s Richie?” Jon asked, as he sat down on the patio porch, a beer in hand.

“He’s still asleep. He’ll be there for a while. He couldn’t sleep last night,” I explained as I took a sip of my coffee.

“If you were laying next to me every night, I wouldn’t be able to sleep either.”

I made a face at him. “Is that supposed to be a compliment?”

“Only if you want it to be.”

I shook my head as I took another sip. “Do you think that you’ll ever be able to go back to New Jersey? I mean, Dot is there, and honestly, I think she’ll beat the crap outta you.”

“I’m going back to Jersey whether she likes it or not,” he said, “it’s my house for God’s sake. Plus, I still need to sign those divorce papers.”

The radio in the other room started playing “Cherry Pie” by Warrant.

“I still don’t feel sorry for her,” he continued, taking a big sip, “she’s ruined my life.”

“Jon, she’s your love.”

“She WAS my love.”

“But still,” I said, as the wind whipped through my hair, and you could hear the silent waves crashing, “you proposed to her.”

“Only because that’s when I loved her,” he said. “Can we change the subject? How about when are you and Richie moving back to Jersey?”

“I honestly haven’t talked to him about it,” I sighed. “You don’t know how much I want to move back though. I miss Jersey.”

“I miss you guys.”

“You’re living with us…”

“I meant when I’m home.”

“You know that this is partially your home.”

“True, true. But still. New Jersey’s my real home.”

I smiled and looked down. “You guys are leaving again in two days.”

“Christmas is in two weeks,” Jon said. “We’ll be back by then.”

“Then you’ll be gone for New Year’s Eve.”

“Then I’m going to cut my hair.”

“No!” I pleaded. “Don’t cut your hair!”

“I have to,” he said. “It’s almost 1990. I’m not going to have shoulder length hair.”

“Richie isn’t cutting his,” I said.

“His isn’t as long as mine.”

“Still,” I pleaded. “Please! Don’t cut it for my wedding.”

“I’m cutting it afterwards.”

I made eyes at him. “You better not.”

“I will,” he said.

I hit him in the shoulder.

“Don’t do that again,” he laughed, “or I’ll have to get you.”

“I’d like to see you try.”

He laughed as he jumped over the chair and started chasing me around the yard and onto the beach. I ran into the water as he chased me farther, until I was up to my shorts in water and he was too.

“I didn’t know you could run so fast,” he laughed. “I knew that you used to be able to, because you beat me in that 400k race that one time.”

“I’ve got to learn to run fast,” I laughed, “so people like you can’t catch me!”

I giggled as I swam under the water and he followed me.

But then, I went too far, and I couldn’t see anything.

“Jon!” I tried yelling under the water but it came all bubbly and didn’t sound good.

I found myself running out of air.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Love Lies Chapter 50

I could hear the waves crashing on the shore as I finally got to be alone on the beach. Jon and Richie wouldn't be back for a little while, so I decided to sleep, and I slowly closed my eyes, as the waves drifted me off to dreamland.

"Are you coming inside?" Richie said.

I opened my eyes as a small raindrop fell on me. The sky had turned dark and grey, and there wasn't any sun.

"Yeah, I guess," I smiled. "Wow, you don't seem drunk."

"I wasn't planning on getting drunk."

"Why not?"

"Because I wanted you and me time."

I smiled, as I got up, and the thunder cracked across the sky. Lightning lit it up as me and Richie ducked and laughed as we ran to the house.

Jon was no where in sight.

"Where's Jon?" I asked.

"He went to visit David and April."

"By himself?"

Richie laughed. "Yeah. He wasn't drunk."

Another crash of thunder, and then lighting lit up the sky.

"Well," I said, "I was just watching out for him."

"I know you were," Richie smiled. "I'm glad you do."

He handed me a towel as I sat down, and grabbed a cup of coffee. "Jon's still in love with me," I said.

"Kmae, I know he is, but you gotta let him go."

"How do I let him go if he won't let me go?"

There was a long pause, and then Richie broke it, by sitting next to me, and giving me a small peck on the cheek.

“You're going to have to try.”

“Believe me,” I said, “I've tried.”

“Well,” he smiled, “lets let it all fade away.”

I looked over at him, before he smiled, and lifted me up.

“You better be ready for some love.”

I laughed. “I was born ready.”

He laughed too, as he carried me to our room, ready for a lot of love.

“Kmae?” Jon's voice echoed downstairs. “Why is there a bra hanging from the ceiling fan?”

I laughed as I opened my eyes. Richie was still laying beside me, naked and hot. I pulled the blanket over him as I got up and put some clothes on, and went downstairs to check on Jon.

“What are you crying about?” I laughed.

“I was wondering why there's a hot pink bra hanging from the ceiling fan.”

“Oh,” I laughed. “I thought it was yours.”

He handed it to me. “Very funny.”

“What time did you stumble into the house at?”

“About midnight.”

“Oh. You didn't hear us..?”

“Oh god no. I shut my ears.”

I laughed. “Good.”

“Where's Richie anyways?”

“Still asleep.”

“He must've got his exercise last night.”

I laughed. “Enough with the sexual jokes, alright?”

“Shit happens.”

I reached over and wiped a smear of lipstick from his cheek. “Where's this from?”

“Well,” he laughed, “I met this chick from Vancouver and...”

“What about Dorothea?”

His laughing turned to silence. “She filed for divorce.”

“So? Do you have to sign papers?”

“I don't know,” he said. “I've never been divorced before.”

“Me neither,” I said. “And I really hope not.”

“Well, that's always good.”

I laughed, and together, we laughed together, for the first time in a long time.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Love Lies Chapter 49

Hours must’ve passed as we talked about maybe moving to New Jersey again. I missed it so much. All the other guys lived there. Why couldn’t we?

“Why you guys ever moved here, I still don’t get,” Jon said.

“My parents are here,” Richie said.

“Don’t Kmae’s parents want to see their daughter?” Jon said.

I slowly put my head down. Jon didn’t know about the accident. The one that killed both my parents and my sister. He must’ve realized what he had said wrong, because he slowly looked down.

“I’m sorry,” Jon said to me. “I forgot.”

“It’s okay,” I said. “I hadn’t thought about them in a while.”

Richie put his hand on my back, and slowly gave me a small massage, as I thought about them. The accident had been only 3 years ago. My parents and sister were driving, when all of a sudden, a semi truck ran a stop sign, running head on into them, killing all of them.

“Well,” Richie said, “I’m hungry.”

“I’m hungry too,” I slowly said. “Want me to make something?”

“Oh please, we can go out,” Richie smiled at me, “my treat.”

I smiled back, and he gave me a small kiss, before I got up.

“I think I’m going to change,” I said, looking down at my pajama pants and an old t-shirt.

Jon and Richie laughed, before they bid me farewell, and I walked into my closet.

Richie’s closet was attached to mine, both pretty big. I had band t-shirts, pictures, and music plastered all over the walls in mine.

I turned the radio back on, as a new song, “Welcome To The Jungle” came on. Axl Rose hated the whole Bon Jovi band. I didn’t get it. We had never done ANYTHING to Guns N’ Roses. But, oh well. Enemies are enemies.

I pulled on a swimsuit, because I was planning on laying by the beach today. It was December 14, but still, it was really warm.

Over that, I pulled on an Aerosmith t-shirt that Jon had given me, and a pair of ripped denim shorts, with cowgirl boots. This was usually my casual outfit, because I never had anything else to wear that I actually liked. I hated dressing up. I felt too girly. I wanted to be the badass of everything.

“Hey, Kmae,” Richie yelled up the stairs. “Can you bring down my sunglasses?”

“Yeah!” I shouted. I walked into his closet, and grabbed his sunglasses laying on the shelf, among the many cowboy boots, leather jackets, and everything else he had. Sometimes I wondered, I wonder if I ever cherish the moments where I’m in Richie’s closet. I mean, I’m in Richie Sambora’s closet. THE Richie Sambora, the lead guitar player for Bon Jovi. I’m also ENGAGED to THE Richie Sambora.

Wow, my life’s interesting.

We went out to eat, and then Jon and Richie went to the bar. I came home, and laid by the beach, waiting for my worries to disappear.

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Love Lies 48

I silently moved a bit towards the staircase, as I could hear Jon come in through the door, and Richie walking in from the Parlor room.

“It’s good to see you again,” Richie laughed.

Jon laughed also. “Yeah! I haven’t seen you guys in a while. I’ve been so busy.”

By busy, he must’ve meant “having marriage problems”.

“How’s Blaze of Glory?” Richie asked, as he casually leaned up against one of the staircases’ poles.

“Going good,” he laughed. “I wish I could’ve had you guys help me with it…”

“We’ve been working hard too,” Richie said. I don’t know if he wanted to mention his solo record.

“I’m sorry it’s so short notice about me staying here…” Jon’s voice trailed off.

“Don’t mention it,” he laughed. “We just got our beachside area outside finished.”

“Where’s Kmae?” Jon said.

“She’s getting dressed or something.”

“She’s not mad at me because of…you know. Right?”

“She shouldn’t be. Unless I pissed her off.”

“Oh,” he said. “Want me to put my stuff in my room?”

“You sound like a little kid,” Richie laughed. He wasn’t wrong. He really did. Jon always had that thing about himself, where he could make everything sound like a child’s perception.

“Shut up,” Jon said sarcastically, as he picked up a few out of many suitcases, and trudged up the stairs.

Shit. What was I going to do? I was standing like I was listening, which I was, but I didn’t want him to know about it.

I went into his room again, trying to make it look like I was smoothing out the bed.

“Kmae!” Jon said, as he came up and hugged me.

I tried to act like I didn’t know anything. “When’d you get here?”

“A few minutes ago.”

I smiled, as I hugged him back.

"I honestly never thought I'd see the day where you'd actually be happy to see me," Jon laughed, as he hugged me tighter.

“Yeah,” I agreed..sorta.

“How have you been?”

“Good,” I said. “How about you and Dorothea?”

“That’s a long story,” he said.

“I have time,” I laughed.

He told me everything, from how she disapproved of him going on tours and writing news songs, to her wanting to have kids already. He said that he wanted to be a father, but now wasn’t the time. He also told me about how depressed he was becoming, and how he was drinking more and more.

“I think I’m going to cut my hair,” he said, as he pushed away the curly bangs in his face, with the baseball cap that said “RUN-DMC” on it.

“No!” I said.

He looked at me funny. “Kmae, it’s almost 1990. I need to get rid of it. Plus, I’ve already got everything for Blaze of Glory filmed.

“What about the New Year’s Eve party that you have to sing at?”

“They can survive.”

“Jon,” I pleaded, “you’re not going to cut your hair yet. Wait until May. Alright? After the wedding, and after everything.”

“The wedding…” his voice trailed off.

“Yes, the wedding. Have you bought a tie yet?”

“A tie? I think I need a suit first.”

“I thought you were all going to wear those light blue ones.”

“Oh yeah.”

I shook my head and laughed, and then got serious. “So, what are we going to do about Dorothea? She was supposed to be in the wedding…”

“She’s not going to be,” he said. “I’m divorcing her.”

I felt my heart make a “thump” noise in my chest, as it fell. “Really?”

“I can’t take it anymore,” he said.

Right then and there, he broke into a million pieces before me, spilling out more and more about how he’d think the earth would be better without him, and how he’d become suicidal. I couldn’t help but think of the dream I had that one time where he was going to shoot himself if I didn’t love him.

“Jon,” I said, as his tears ran out. “You know, me and Richie love you. You’re always welcome here whenever.”

“I want you guys to move back to New Jersey,” he pleaded. “ I want you there when I need you guys.”

Richie was standing at the doorway. “I miss New Jersey.”

“I do too,” I said.

“I miss you guys,” Jon said.

And for the first time in almost a year, Jon missed us.

Sunday, March 04, 2012

Love Lies Chapter 47

“Jon?” I asked. “Why are you calling?”

“Kmae,” he said, as I heard a car zoom by in the background. “Can I talk to Richie?”

“Where are you?” I asked.

“I’m in,” he paused. “Will you be mad?”

“Jon,” I said, “just tell me where you are.”

“I’m in Los Angeles.”

“Why are you here?” I asked.

There was a pause. “Dot kicked me out.”

“She did?” Richie’s voice came over the phone. I looked over, and he was gone.

I hung up slowly as Richie and Jon talked back and forth, and went upstairs.

I wrapped my arms around Richie, who had the phone up to his chest.

“What’s he want?” I asked.

Richie rubbed his forehead. “Well, Jon is..well, in the doghouse. Is that alright if he moves in for a while until he gets a house?”

I looked at Richie long and hard. I didn’t want him to tell Jon “no”, but yet I didn’t want him to tell him “yes” either.

“Kmae, you guys have to get over your differences sometime.”

“Tell him fine, ONLY if he isn’t mean or wants to make out with me or something.”

Richie laughed as he picked up the phone again. “Jon? Kmae says you can only if you don’t try to make out with her.”

I hit Richie and he laughed.

“She’s so happy that you’re coming, she’s willing to beat the crap outta me!”

I laughed, as he slowly smiled, and finished his talk with Jon.

“I’m going upstairs to get his room ready,” I said.

“Alright. I’ll make sure there’s enough food.”

I laughed as I went up into the stairs, and into one of many guest bedrooms we have. The radio was on, playing “Imagine” by John Lennon as I walked into the room. Jon always stayed in this room when he was here. It had pictures of me, Jon and the whole band scattered among the walls.

One caught my eye. The one that was standing on the bedside table, of me and Jon at prom. The same one where he had tipped me down and kissed me, unlike the other couples who had just stood there and smiled.

The picture that was in the tour bus, with the shattered frame also laid in here, with the frame still cracked. Inside it was the note that I had written to Jon almost 6 years ago already, the night before we had a one night stand.

I sat down on the bed, with the doors open. The fresh breeze flew in through the window, and felt fresh, as I laid there. I missed all of this.

I slowly started to sing to myself:

I guess this time you're really leaving
I heard your suitcase say goodbye
And as my broken heart lies bleeding
You say true love in suicide

You say you're cried a thousand rivers
And now you're swimming for the shore
You left me drowning in my tears
And you won't save me anymore

Now I'm praying to God
You'll give me one more chance, girl

I'll be there for you
These five words I swear to you
When you breathe I want to be the air for you
I'll be there for you

I'd live and I'd die for you
Steal the sun from the sky for you
Words can't say what a love can do
I'll be there for you

I know you know we're had some good times
How they have their own hiding place
I can promise you tomorrow
But I can't buy back yesterday

And baby you know my hands are dirty
But I wanted to be your valentine
I'll be the water when you get thirsty, baby
When you get drink, I'll be the wine

I'll be there for you
These five words I swear to you
When you breathe I want to be the air for you
I'll be there for you

I'd live and I'd die for you
Steal the sun from the sky for you
Words can't say what a love can do
I'll be there for you

And I wasn't there when you were happy
I wasn't there when you were down
I didn't mean to miss your birthday, baby
I wish I'd seen you blow those candles out

I'll be there for you
These five words I swear to you
When you breathe I want to be the air for you
I'll be there for you

I'd live and I'd die for you
Steal the sun from the sky for you
Words can't say what a love can do
I'll be there for you

And then slowly, Jon’s limo came crawling up the driveway, as I readied myself to face the truth.

Love Lies Chapter 46

Months went by, as the high hope that Jon wasn’t mad at me flew with it. I was unsure on how I’d ever be able to be the same after the night he had left.

While the months flew by, me and Richie were writing for a solo album he was going to do. It was November, 1989 when we had started writing "Ballad of Youth" and "Father Time." We were unsure on when the solo album would come out, but hopefully soon, if not sooner. Richie had also been helping teach me guitar, which I caught on fast.

Jon started a solo album too, for the movie "Young Guns II" entitled “Blaze of Glory.” Richie hadn’t helped him with it, but I was unsure if Jon would like my help.

Jon and Dorothea’s marriage slowly crumbled during those few months. Jon hadn’t told us anything, but David said that Jon had been calling now and then, asking if he could stay at David and April’s house. Jon hadn’t spoken a word to me or Richie about him and her.

But, I wondered, if he was just leaving her for me.

December, 1989.

I opened my eyes. I had song sheets all around me, guitar in hand, and was laying on the couch in our recording studio. Richie was slumped over in a chair, not far from me, with a bottle of vodka laying in his lap. It was about ten a.m.

“Richie,” I said, making sure he was okay. “Are you awake?”

“Yeah,” he muttered. “Do you still have the guitar?”

I strummed a few notes. “She’s still in good shape, I swear.”

“Good, but are you?” He laughed.

“I’m fine,” I smiled. “Geesh, now that you’re 30, Richie, you’re getting old.”

“Shut up,” he laughed, “you’re 27. You’re getting up there.”

“You’re still older.”

He laughed, as he got out of the chair, taking the guitar, and putting a few of the song sheet aside. As he picked up a song sheet, he looked over one.

“Did you write this?” he asked.

I looked at it. It was a song entitled “Diamond Ring” that was laying beside me.

“Umm,” I said, embarrassed. “Yeah, I sorta did.”

“This is actually pretty good,” he laughed. “Slow, but good.”

“Reminds me of the diamond ring that you gave me,” I smiled. “You were passed out. So I decided to make my own music. How’s it sound?”

Then, we began to sing, like a heavenly choir:

Diamond ring wear it on your hand
It's gonna tell the world I'm your only man
Diamond ring, diamond ring
Baby you're my everything diamond ring

Red red rose brought it home to you
Blood red rose tells me that you're true
Red red rose, blood red rose
Like a fire inside that grows blood-red rose

When you're hungry I will fill you up
When you're thirsty drink out of my loving cup
When you're crying I'll be the tears for you
There's nothing that I wouldn't do for you
Mmm ooh

When you're hungry I will fill you up
When you're thirsty drink out of my loving cup
When you're crying I'll be the tears for you
There's nothing that I wouldn't do for you

You know I bleed every night you sleep
'Cause I don't know if I'm in your dreams
I want to be your everything

Diamond ring wear it on your hand
It's gonna tell the world I'm your only man
Diamond ring diamond ring
Baby you're my everything diamond ring
Darling you're my everything diamond ring
Now you've got me on your string diamond ring

“That was amazing,” I smiled, as I kissed him on the cheek.

“You’re pretty good at the guitar,” he laughed.

“You mean the first few chords? I didn’t strum it that much,” I laughed.

“Maybe if Jon let’s you, you can have it on the next album.”

“I highly doubt it,” I said. Richie hadn’t brought up anything about Jon in months. I couldn’t believe that he was still talking about him.

“C’mon,” Richie laughed.

“Who knows if there’ll be another album?” I said.

Richie looked at me. “Hun, don’t talk like that…”

“It might be true,” I said. “Knowing that our wedding is in a few months, I can’t believe that he’d be willing to do another album soon.”

“Our wedding…” Richie’s voice trailed off. “I almost forgot.”

“The tickets to Paris arrived,” I smiled.

He smiled too. “I’m going to make this the best wedding ever.”

“And hopefully the last wedding ever.”

He laughed. “You’re the joker, aren’t you?”

“That’s why I’m here,” I smiled.

“I thought you were here to be my maid.”

“Ahh,” I laughed. “I can be that too. And if you wish, I could be a slave.”

“I’ll save that thought for later,” he laughed.

I sighed. “I haven’t even gotten a wedding dress yet.”

Richie laughed. “Maybe you could go dress shopping in Paris,” he smiled.

“I’d love that,” I said. “I gotta get my nails done too.”

“You’re so silly,” Richie laughed. “You’re already so beautiful.”

“I love you,” I smiled.

“I love you more,” he laughed.

We were interrupted as the phone rang, and I jumped up to get it.

“Hello?” I said.

“Kmae?” said a male voice.

But it wasn’t any male voice, it was Jon’s.

Love Lies Chapter 45

Jon looked at me, with a sort of sadness in his eyes. "That's why you think I'm in love with you? Because I lost you?"

I stood there, breathing heavily. "Yeah, you lost me. You're just mad because Richie is man enough to express his feelings to me and not hide them."

Richie wasn't standing behind me anymore, which I was glad that he wasn't. He knew I could take care of myself without him. I didn't want to scare him either.

Jon didn't even bother to say anything else, as he looked at me with anger, and threw his hand across the small table in the hallway, hitting a vase. As it fell to the floor, it shattered in a million pieces. I looked down, but when I looked up, he was gone.

I started to cry, as Richie came running up the staircase. "Kmae! What was that?!"

"Jon," I cried, "he hit that vase." I went to pick up a piece of the shattered vase. It sliced through my hand, sending a splash of blood on the white floor.

"Oh my God," Richie said. He didn't say anything else as helped me down the stairs, and got me a wrap for my hand.

"Richie," I tried to explain, "I'm fine."

He sat me up on the counter in the bathroom like a little child. "You might need stitches."

"I'm fine," I repeated.

"Are you sure?" He wrapped a cloth around my hand.

"I feel better," I looked at my hand, and noticed the ring didn't even have a smudge of blood on it.

"Your ring looks good," he smiled.

"As good as you?" I flirted.

He laughed. "You're sweet, you know?"

"I don't know," I said, "I learn it from my fiance."

He shook his head. "Can't be. I learned it from my fiance."

I smiled as I got down and kissed him. I loved it when I could kiss him, and I didn't need to worry about Jon.

I heard a bang in the front hall.

"What was that?" I asked.

Richie shook his head. "Let's go see."

We rushed down the stairs, and I stood at the end of the staircase, and looked at the doorway, where Jon was standing, suitcase in hand.

"Where are you going?" Richie asked.

"Home," he said, as he picked up the suitcase that must've fallen down and made the bang.

"Home?" I asked. "Why?"

"I'm not wanted here! Dorothea misses me, anyways."

I shook my head, and went up the stairs. I didn't care where he went. I just didn't want him by me.

"Well," Jon yelled up the stairways. "Bye?"

"Just leave," I said back. I knew by now I was going to cry. I couldn't believe that I didn't want him anywhere near me, as I rushed up the stairs, and went into the bathroom. The "click" of the lock made sure that nobody came in.

"Kmae?" Richie's voice echoed down the hall.

I didn’t want to talk.

“Kmae,” Richie pleaded. “Please let me in.”

I slowly went towards the door, and unlocked it.

He came in, and looked at me. “Are you okay?”

“I’m sick of Jon,” I said, as I curled my feet up in a ball as I sat on the floor again.

Richie bent down and looked at me. “I know you are.”

“I bet he wrote ‘Living In Sin’ about me.”

“He might’ve, but I helped,” he said.

“I know he’s loved me forever. I can’t get why he can’t accept the fact that I’ve moved on and he should too.”

Richie put a hand under my chin and raised it so I could look in his brown eyes. “Listen, you’re an amazing person, Kmae. Don’t let someone like Jon ruin it just because he loves you, and can’t have you. You’re my fiancé. And He needs to get over that you’re with me and he’s with Dorothea.”

“That’s where he isn’t,” I said. “When he’s here, he tries to kiss me. He tries EVERYTHING because he’s here and not with her. He probably doesn’t even love her.”

“Kmae,” Richie pleaded, “you’ve got to understand that he’s got her now, and shouldn’t worry about what you do.”

“That’s not the point!” I cried. “He’s in love with me, Richie. He won’t stop! He loves me no matter the fights, the anger. He’s still in love with me.”

Richie looked at me, with a sadness in his eyes. “You’re not in love with him.”

“I only love one person,” I smiled, as I got closer to him.

Our lips touched, and we both melted like candles as he both sat there on the bathroom floor, with hot lips touching. I craved this side of Richie. The sexy one, who wanted to kiss me, touch me, hold me.

I tangled my hands through his hair as his hat fell off, and he laughed against my lips. He had this thing, where he’d wrap his arms around my shoulders and it made me laugh, in a sexy way.

And there we sat, kissing as if nothing had happened. But behind deep walls, Jon was still in love with me, but we hadn’t experienced the worst of it yet.